Hydna Tech Demo

This is a tech demo brought to you by Hydna.

It demonstrates how to connect pair two devices over near ultra sonic sound waves. The two devices then connects to a mutual Hydna channel and start to transmit data.

In order to run this demo:

Disclaimer: Please note that this technic is unstable on many devices (due to hardware and browser vendors). This demo is not intended to be used in production. It rather demonstrates the possibilities of using ultra sonic sound as a possible way when pairing.

Firefox has a limitation when dealing with hi frequency sounds. The application checks if hi frequency sounds can be received before start, so please check that the volume on the computer is on.

Start listen or Transmit
Please give application access to microphone by pressing allow Put your device close to your screen in order to pair Pairingdevices, please hold still Connectingto remote device via hydna Sorry, your device do not support pairing over air Paired Touch your display
Touch to pair